Here you will find several resources available to all Berkeley Engineering students. If you are unable to find the information you need, please email Engineering Student Services or your ESS Adviser.
In this section
Engineering Student Services Peer Advisers
Sometimes you just need an experienced student’s perspective on how to juggle classes, study effectively, manage time, choose the best enrichment opportunities or simply navigate the waters of a large university like Berkeley. Our Engineering Student Services peer advisers are a great resource. They can help you by answering questions like how to drop a class or choose an elective, and they can tell you all about life in their particular major or at Berkeley Engineering in general.
ESS Newsletter
The newsletter is emailed to all engineering undergraduates every Monday. It includes important information about deadlines, workshops, research opportunities, internships, scholarships and upcoming events.
Engineering Transfer Center
240 Sutardja Dai Hall
The Engineering Transfer Center offers weekly drop-ins for group study with friends, relaxation and meeting with our Transfer Success Ambassadors.
College of Engineering Policies
Part of the College of Engineering Undergraduate Guide, the policies section includes important information about academic honors; enrollment and courses; grades, majors and minors; scholarship and progress requirements; student records and confidentiality; subject to dismissal; and withdrawal, cancellation and readmission.
Engineering Student Council (ESC)
The ESC serves as an umbrella organization for many of the engineering student groups and focuses on leadership development, community building and outreach. As an incoming student, you are welcome to attend ESC monthly meetings, participate in networking/mentoring events and use ESC as a resource for questions regarding student organizations and the campus community.
The (Not So) Secret Guide to Being a Berkeley Engineer
Navigating your college years can seem like a daunting task. Between choosing your semester schedule, getting familiar with campus resources, learning to adapt to a the college environment, and preparing for a rigorous engineering curriculum, there’s a lot to know about UC Berkeley. Engineering Student Services is proud to present the bi-weekly podcast The (Not So) Secret Guide to Being a Berkeley Engineer to be your guide to Berkeley Engineering. You’ll hear from students, advisers, and professors on ways to ensure that your first year at Cal is a successful one.
Center for Access to Engineering Excellence
The Center for Access to Engineering Excellence, located in 227 Bechtel Engineering Center, is a hub for student engagement and academic success. Throughout the school year, we offer drop-in tutoring for core engineering coursework, review sessions, study groups and skill-building workshops. Our knowledgeable advising staff can share resources and information from across campus.
Berkeley Support Portal
Navigating UC Berkeley can be challenging. You may be concerned about yourself, or someone you care about, and want to speak with someone. Or you may be looking for information but not sure what search term to use or what website to start with. The links on this page lead to the support resources for the most commonly asked questions at Berkeley. If you don’t see what you are looking for, click the “not finding what you need?” link on this page. This website is designed for everyone in our campus community — staff, faculty and other academic appointees, undergraduates, graduate and professional students, postdoctoral appointees, visiting scholars, visitors to campus, volunteers, and anyone else who has a connection to UC Berkeley.
Student Emergency Needs Fund
The College of Engineering has established a Student Emergency Needs Fund to assist engineering undergraduate and graduate students encountering sudden, unexpected financial hardships.
Self-care tips
Navigating your student experience at the College of Engineering can feel overwhelming, especially in your first weeks on campus. Self-care is an essential tool to keep you focused and productive. Here are a few tips we’ve developed based on past student workshops we’ve given.
Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation (JIDI)
2530 Ridge Road | jacobsinstitute@berkeley.edu
You will find a diverse range of resources at Berkeley’s interdisciplinary hub for learning and making at the intersection of design and technology, including courses, a maker-space, events, student groups and advising.
Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SCET)
SCET is the premiere institution on campus for the study and practice of “technology-centric” entrepreneurship and innovation and offers an undergraduate certificate program.
Campus resources
Academic Accommodations Hub
The Academic Accommodations Hub is the student and instructor portal for support resources and academic policies, including key information regarding academic accommodations as well as links to mental health resources, resources for survivors of sexual violence and sexual harassment, and more.
Basic Needs Center
The Basic Needs Center acts as a virtual and physical hub that provides and connects students to essential services that impact health, belonging, and overall well-being. The Basic Needs Center provides education, prevention and emergency relief programs in the core areas of basic needs: food security, housing security and financial stability. All enrolled students including undergraduate, graduate, international, and undocumented students are eligible for Basic Needs Center programs and services. Students can access support from our team by completing our Assistance Form.
Berkeley Academic Guide
The Berkeley Academic Guide lists courses and department information for every academic unit on campus.
Berkeley Career Engagement
Whether you are seeking to clarify your career plans, enhance your career competitiveness or make connections with employers and alumni, Berkeley Career Engagement is committed to providing you the best service. Their services are free and available to all undergraduate and graduate students as well as alumni within 5 years of graduation.
Cal Veteran Services Center
The Cal Veteran Services Center at UC Berkeley expands access and empowers veteran and active duty service member engagement within this public research university. We increase student veteran enrollment, support academic and co-curricular experiences, and facilitate preparation for goals beyond graduation. Our work engages individuals and the broader community to facilitate a transformational higher education experience for veterans.
Center for Student Conduct & Community Standards
The Center for Student Conduct and Community Standards has an educational purpose in helping our community discuss and hold each other responsible for living up to the standards outlined in the Code of Student Conduct. We address behavior through a resolution process that reflects the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. The Student Code of Conduct can be found here.
Counseling Services for Students
The mission of Counseling and Psychological Services is to support the emotional, psychological, educational, social and cultural development of all UC Berkeley students through a wide range of multiculturally based counseling, psychiatric, career, consultation, training and educational services.
Disability Access & Compliance
Disability Access & Compliance (DAC) connects the UC Berkeley community with the resources, training, evaluative tools and services that support equal access to students, staff, faculty and visitors with disabilities to participate in university-sponsored non-course-related programs or activities. To achieve those objectives, DAC offers a combination of direct services and accommodations to people with disabilities, consultations for campus units in support of people with disabilities, accessibility assessments and compliance mandates in accordance with federal, state and local law.
Disabled Students’ Program
The Disabled Students’ Program (DSP) is committed to ensuring that all students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities at UC Berkeley. We offer a wide range of services for students with disabilities. These services are individually designed, and based on the specific needs of each student as identified by our Disability Specialists.
Division of Student Affairs
The mission of Student Affairs includes three strategic priorities: Access: Maintain access and affordability; provide opportunities for equity and excellence; Service: Improve and sustain cutting edge student services, making them more applicable to this generation of students; Engagement: Foster learning and leadership development, transforming students into engaged local, national, global citizens. Together these create the student experience and foster student success.
Educational Opportunities Program
Provides first generation, low-income, and underrepresented college students with the guidance and resources necessary to succeed at the best public university in the world.
Electronic Communications Policy
This page contains regulations that pertain to all electronic communications on campus, including email.
Financial Aid Office
The Berkeley Financial Aid and Scholarships Office is committed to providing students and parents with the resources they need to make a Berkeley education an affordable reality. Our staff is here to guide you and your family through the financial aid process from start to finish. Please complete the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application and allow the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office to determine your eligibility for federal, state, and institutional support that can make your educational dreams a reality.
The Gender Equity Resource Center, fondly referred to as GenEq, is a UC Berkeley campus community center committed to fostering an inclusive Cal experience for all. GenEq is the campus location where students, faculty, staff and alumni connect for resources, services, education and leadership programs related to gender and sexuality.
GSI Teaching and Resource Center
Overview of best practices for GSIs for instruction, including remote teaching, designed by peers. This site also includes campus policies and resources for support and consultation.
International Office
Berkeley International Office’s mission is to enhance the academic experiences of international students and scholars by providing the highest levels of knowledge and expertise in advising, immigration services, advocacy, and programming to the UC Berkeley campus community.
Legal Services
The Attorney for Students advises currently registered Cal students regarding their legal questions, rights, and obligations. A student legal consultation might include (but is not limited to) one of the following examples: a landlord-tenant dispute, a citation for a criminal infraction or misdemeanor, filing an action in California Small Claims Court, questions related to credit card debt and/or collection actions, issues arising from a car accident or auto insurance, or questions about family law. Please note that Student Legal Services provides counsel and guidance only, and does not represent or advocate for individual students with regard to their potential legal claims or disputes. If your situation requires legal representation, the Attorney for Students will help refer you to appropriate resources. Student Legal Services counsel and guidance is limited to California law only.
UC Police Department (UCPD)
1 Sproul Hall | police@berkeley.edu
24-hour phone: (510) 642-6760 | Campus emergency (510) 642-3333
Take proactive steps to ensure your safety as both a student and Berkeley resident. Visit the UCPD Safety Counts website to learn more about personal safety programs, such as BearWalk and emergency preparedness programs.
Tang Center/CAPS
2222 Bancroft Way | (510) 642-2000
CAPS provides comprehensive medical, mental health and health promotion services to all Cal students.
Office of the Registrar
Services from the Office of the Registrar support every currently registered student at UC Berkeley as well as all faculty and staff members who interact with those students. Specifically, we are responsible for: class enrollment and registration, fee assessment, verifying graduation, diplomas, preservation of student academic records and protection of their privacy, transcripts, maintenance of the schedule of classes, reservations for over 200 classrooms on campus, residency determinations, and assistance for special populations such as veterans.
Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination
The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) is responsible for ensuring the University provides an environment for faculty, staff and students that is free from discrimination and harassment on the basis of categories including race, color national origin, gender, age and sexual orientation/identity. The OPHD Office has the specific responsibility for providing prompt and effective responses to all complaints of sex discrimination or harassment for faculty, staff and students. The Office also responds to concerns from faculty and students regarding other forms of discrimination as covered by University Nondiscrimination policies– such as, age, religion, national origin, etc.*
OMBUDS Office for Students and Postdoctoral Appointees
The Ombuds Office can be your first step, your last resort, or anything in between. If you wish assistance sorting through a campus-related conflict or concern, please contact us. The Ombudsperson will listen to your concerns, serve as a sounding board, discuss your options with you, and help you get a new perspective and determine the next steps to take. The office is strictly confidential and no one will know you have spoken with us unless you wish them to. The only exception to this confidentiality is where there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm or danger.
Path to Care
The PATH to Care Center leads the efforts to transform our campus into a community that is free of sexual violence, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, and stalking through prevention, advocacy, training, and healing. PTC collaborates with the campus community to make social change with the goals of preventing, intervening in, and responding to harassment and violence, eliminating oppression, and creating the culture and environment we all aspire to and deserve. PTC envisions a campus community free of violence and grounded in social justice. This vision will be realized when every member of our community is a beacon of support and respect for those around them.
Parents Network
This web site contains thousands of pages of recommendations and advice contributed by members of the Berkeley Parents Network, a parent-to-parent email network for the community of parents in the San Francisco Bay Area. Founded in 1993, the BPN is run by a group of volunteer parents in their “spare” time. We send out 10-12 email newsletters each week to 26,754 local parents. Many busy parents have taken the time to enlighten and inform us all with their suggestions, their wisdom, and their experience, archived here for all who need it. Please help yourself and use it in the spirit of sharing!
Student Budget/Cost of Attendance
Student Code of Conduct
The University of California at Berkeley is a community of scholars committed to maintaining an environment that encourages personal and intellectual growth. It is a community with high standards and high expectations for those who choose to become a part of it, including established rules of conduct intended to foster behaviors that are consistent with a civil and educational setting. Members of the University community are expected to comply with all laws, University policies and campus regulations, conducting themselves in ways that support a scholarly environment. In this context, faculty are guided by The Faculty Code of Conduct, Section 015 of the Academic Personnel Manual, and students by the Berkeley Campus Code of Student Conduct, articulated here.
Student Learning Center
SLC supports a global community of learners as they transition into the academic and cultural environment of UC Berkeley; facilitates students’ translation of the university’s way(s) of knowing, academic practices and structures; enlivens students’ understanding of the power and possibilities of their intellectual ideas; and encourages students to embrace and apply multiple epistemologies. It provides a number of services to students including, but not limited to, tutoring, study skills courses, and one-on-one feedback on writing.
Student Parent Center
The core services of the Student Parent Center emerged as part of the Women’s Resource Center in the mid 1980’s. Visionary and advocate, Alice Jordan, spearheaded the development of supportive campus policies, programs and resources at the University of California, Berkeley. Until her retirement in 2013, she devoted her entire career to advocacy for the educational and childcare needs of parents and the expansion of access to higher education as a route out of poverty for low-income families.
Transfer Student Center
The Transfer Student Center provides services to assist transfer students with navigating the academic and cultural landscape of the research university. We serve students who transfer to UC Berkeley from other institutions, those who are returning to their education after an interruption, and who are combining school with parenting. Our programs and services focus on supporting a successful transition, building connection and community, and assisting students as they pursue their academic and career goals. The center also plays a key role in campus outreach and recruitment through yield events and participation in programs involving California Community Colleges.
UC Berkeley Food Pantry
The UC Berkeley Food Pantry is a direct response to the need among the student population for more resources to fight food insecurity––the lack of nutritious food. With rising fees, textbook costs, and living expenses, it has become increasingly difficult for students to juggle the costs of living with the costs of obtaining a university degree, and thus many students are finding themselves choosing between essentials such as food and the costs of college. The UC Berkeley Food Pantry was established to provide emergency relief to help students continue on to successfully complete and obtain their degrees from the University of California. It is a part of the campus-wide food security efforts.
University Health Services (UHS)
University Health Services (UHS) provides comprehensive medical, mental health and health promotion services to all Cal students.